Tuesday, August 7, 2012

As many of you may know,  I love to knit. I have been knitting since I was 8 years old when I use to take the MacDonald bus up to my Grannies house from Carnarvon Elementary school up to 33rd and then walk to her house every Wednesday afternoon for at least a month. Knitting is something that has been done by the women and some of the men in my family for generations. Both my mother and father learned how to knit.

However, I also like to do minor house repairs and one of the things that I learned through doing house repairs is that often times, for both cleaning and maintaining, a knitting needle is extremely useful.

I have used my knitting needles for caulking a tub. I find it works better than most products on the market and I ALWAYS have a knitting needle that is not hard to find.

Today I cleaned out the lint screen from the dryer and that hard to reach spot that stops the lint screen from sitting properly in the dryer.

I have also been known to use knitting needles to make a row in the garden for carrot, beet and lettuce seeds.

They are great for untying knots, just wiggle the needle right in there and you can untie almost any knot.

The larger ones are handy for making a small hole a bit bigger in drywall.

Knitting needles are an incredibly versatile tool and between them and my swiss army knife, I can do just about anything...

I just hope that there are now some knitting needles that I can take on the plane, maybe bamboo ones?

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