Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's new?

It has been a while and a life changing year. After an incredibly busy season during the winter holidays, we realized it was time to make a major change, and we closed the bakery, opening up so many other possibilities.

Life has changed immeasurably since and I am spending my days continuing to do the things I love. I am writing more recipes and spending more time with my family.

I am enjoying this stage of my life, now a grandmother and assistant to my parents. This is exactly where I want to be in my life and I feel very lucky to be able to be here.

My Uncle, my mom's youngest brother died yesterday and his daughter has 2 small children. I feel blessed that my children have grown up knowing their grandparents and even my granddaughter has met my parents. Four generations knowing each other and loving each other.

I am able to spend time with my parents now that the bakery is closed and I am able to spend time with my granddaughter too even if mostly through skype.

It was a great twelve years baking for so many people and I forged many friendships through the bakery. I am grateful for it and glad to move onto the next part of my life.

Life is good!