I have a passion for pasta. Maybe it comes fromt the fact that I stopped eating pasta when I was young because of my wheat intolerance. Maybe it is because in Vancouver we have so many different types of pasta and GOOD Pasta. There are the Chinese noodles, the Italian noodles. Greek pasta dishes, Thai pasta salads, Japanese Udon, and then there are the stuffed pastas; ravioli, pyrogies, egg rolls.
Today I saw these machines that will make the pasta and now I am thinking about all the fun I could have making pasta and lucky for all the customers we have at the bakery, I KNOW I will make way too much for just us. So there are four different attachments, one for lasagna, one for rigatoni, one for spaghetti and one for fettucine. We can do spinach pasta, beet pasta, add herbs and spices. All sorts.
There is also a machine for ravioli and you can make different sizes. However, since the first machine will make lasagna, I can use it to roll the sheets out and then hand make the stuffed pasta. Now to decide what to stuff it with!!!
I love pasta!
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